Obstetrics Department

Pregnancy Clinic Nagpur

An obstetrician is a doctor who helps with the management of pregnancies and deliveries. In order to optimize one’s chances of having a smooth pregnancy and delivery. Having knowledge of pregnancy and fertility issues even before conception will allow couples to plan and prepare better for the delivery of a healthy baby.

We know from scientific studies that babies born at the extremes of birthweight either under 2.5kg or over 4.5kg are at an increased risk of developing chronic diseases. Later in life such as diabetes and heart disease. Studies have also found that food chemicals can act to switch certain genes on and off. In the developing fetus during pregnancy through a process called ‘epigenetics’. A mother’s nutrition is therefore important even before she is pregnant as it can affect the development and subsequent health of her baby.

Being overweight or underweight can also affect fertility. Hence, optimizing one’s health and observing a healthy diet. Lifestyle should begin even before conception and pregnancy as it can affect a couple’s chance of getting pregnant in the first place.

If you have plans to start trying to conceive. Consider making an appointment with us for a Prepregnancy or Preconception health screen and consultation. Where we can address your concerns, and discuss diet and lifestyle issues for a healthy pregnancy.

Prepregnancy Health Screen

Going for a pre-pregnancy health screening package is ideal to ensure that any health issues are addressed before pregnancy. This usually comprises a thorough examination and investigations. We will then review the investigation results and provide the necessary advice with regard to fertility and pregnancy. For example, if a patient is found to lack immunity against rubella, vaccination is advisable as infection during pregnancy can cause congenital defects in the baby.

Pregnancy Tests

Prenatal pregnancy tests are performed during pregnancy for several reasons:

1) to diagnose and treat any pregnancy conditions that may affect fetal development e.g. diabetes or high blood pressure, and

2) to detect any health problems in the growing fetus.

Prenatal tests are performed throughout pregnancy. The exact tests ordered will depend on the stage of the pregnancy, the age and health of the mother, the medical history of both parents and the family history. Ideally, mums-to-be should seek a consultation with their obstetrician & gynecologist. As soon as they are pregnant in order to allow the appropriate tests to be scheduled.

At every prenatal visit, an assessment of the mum-to-be’s weight, height, blood pressure, and urine- analysis is performed. These help to screen for any high blood pressure, infections, or gestational diabetes. In many cases, complications can be avoided if an early diagnosis is made and treatment initiated.

Routine Prenatal Pregnancy Blood tests include the following:

  1. Maternal full blood count for screening for anemia, sickle cell disease, and thalassemia. If necessary, paternal blood testing is undertaken so that the probability of the fetus being affected can be assessed.
  2. Maternal blood group and RhD status to screen for hemolytic disease of the newborn. All non-sensitized pregnant women who are RhD-negative are offered routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis.
  3. Screening for hepatitis B, HIV, and syphilis. This means that effective postnatal intervention can be offered to infected women to decrease the risk of mother-to-child transmission.
  4. Screening for rubella (German measles) immunity. If a woman is found not to have immunity, it will be recommended that she avoid contact with infected individuals during her pregnancy and receive a vaccination against rubella after she gives birth

Pregnancy Screening

There is a small risk of fetal abnormality with every pregnancy. Unfortunately, this risk increases as the mother gets older. Prenatal screening is offered to all pregnant women to determine more accurately, the risk of having a baby with a chromosomal disorder such as Down’s Syndrome.

Screening tests for chromosomal disorders:

These include:

  1. First-trimester screening at 11- 14 weeks of pregnancy
    This test is also known as the OSCAR (One-Stop Clinic for Assessment of Risks of Fetal Anomalies). This includes a scan of the nuchal translucency or fluid-filled space behind the fetal neck. A nasal bone assessment is also usually done as babies with Down’s Syndrome may have an absence of the nasal bone. The scans may be combined with a blood test from the mother for hormone and biochemical markers for a more accurate risk assessment.
  2. Maternal serum screening at 15- 20 weeks of pregnancy. This involves a simple blood test from the mother which may be interpreted alone. Or in combination with the First-trimester screening scan for a more accurate risk assessment.
  3. Maternal Fetal DNA blood-testis is a highly sensitive screening test for fetal genetic conditions including Trisomy 21, 13, and 18. It can detect these conditions with a sensitivity of 99%. It involves a simple blood test from the mother and detects the free fetal DNA present in the mother’s circulation. Thereby assessing if there may be a genetic abnormality in the baby. The blood test can be drawn from the mother as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy and the results are available in 2 weeks.

Prenatal Screening

Diagnostic tests for fetal chromosomal disorders

Depending on the final risk assessment, the patient may be advised to undergo a diagnostic test such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis. Amniocentesis is normally carried out from 15 weeks of pregnancy. A needle is inserted into the amniotic cavity and amniotic fluid is sampled, allowing culture and assessment of fetal cells in the fluid. Fetal cells in the amniotic fluid can then be analyzed. There is however a risk of miscarriage of around 0.5%

The CVS can be carried out earlier – usually between 10-13 weeks of pregnancy. It involves the sampling of the developing placenta and again the same type of analysis of fetal cells to detect chromosomal, genetically inherited, and endocrine or metabolic conditions can be performed. There is a risk of miscarriage of 1-2%. While these diagnostic tests help to confirm if the baby truly carries a chromosomal disorder, these tests are invasive and carry a small risk of miscarriage. Hence, they are not offered as a routine.

Pregnancy Scanning and Care Nagpur

Dating and Viability Pregnancy Scan

At around 6 weeks of pregnancy, an early dating ultrasound scan will help confirm the location and gestational age of the embryo and check whether it is a single or twin pregnancy.

Fetal Anomaly Screening Scan

At around 20 weeks of pregnancy, a fetal anomaly scan is usually performed to assess the baby’s growth, anatomy, placental position, and cervical status. This scan can usually detect up to 90% of the major abnormalities.

Pregnancy Growth Scan

From 24 weeks of pregnancy, patients are usually seen on a monthly basis up to 32 weeks, fortnightly up to 36 weeks, and finally weekly until delivery.

Pregnancy growth scans are usually performed after 24 weeks of pregnancy to ensure that your baby is growing well. They also evaluate the placental location and amniotic fluid volume. The use of color Doppler ultrasound helps to assess the blood flow in the umbilical cord and other blood vessels in the baby. The results from such scans can help determine if the blood is circulating properly and if the baby is under stress.

3D and 4D scans

A 3D scan provides a life-like image of your baby while a 4D scan is a real-time moving image of the baby. These scans may take around 30 minutes or longer depending on your baby’s position and movement. They may help to provide reassurance that the baby is growing well but are not meant to replace the screening scans which are advised in the second trimester.


This is a recording of the fetal heart rate. It is performed to determine the baby’s well-being. It also helps to assess for the presence of uterine contractions.

Delivery and Postnatal Care

The 3 modes of delivery are normal vaginal delivery, assisted or instrumental delivery, and Caesarean. Most women are encouraged to try for a normal vaginal delivery. Occasionally, some require help with forceps or a vacuum cup. Others may require a Caesarean section.

Each mode of delivery has its benefits and risks. Every woman is unique with different pain thresholds and perceptions of how their delivery should be conducted. Do share with us your birth plan so that we can work with you toward the safe delivery of your child.

Following delivery, we are strong breastfeeding advocates and will be happy to provide advice and support in this area.